He was so wanted--after 3 years of trying, and several infertility treatments--we finally were pregnant--and the result was our AMAZING 8 year old son!
He had a football themed party at a sports place near our house..
LOTS O Kidz!
What a sweet brave little boy!! Please e-mail me for more info:
In a nutshell--he was abandoned at 7 months with severe burns to his legs. I saw his file--and since we had just returned home with our own son who also suffered from leg burns, I felt desperate for this beautiful little guy.
I tried to convince hubby about adopting him. Like REALLY tried. But after completing 2 adoptions in 2 years--and with our new son Sam's surgery looming--it was not the time.
After seeing what happened to Sam because he had not been getting skin grafts--I couldn't sit and watch this little one wait.
I, by some miracle, got him sent to Philip Hayden Foundation--where he now resides. He arrived there in December--and within a week I found out that a family had been pre-approved to adopt him.
sigh....but I trusted God knew what He was doing (I still believe that!)
Imagine my surprise this Spring when my contact at PHF told me the family decided to NOT proceed with his adoption--and they withdrew their paperwork from China. My heart shattered for this baby boy!
It took a LONG time---but Taylor is now on the shared list again. After waiting way too long for a family.
The good news is that about a month ago--Taylor got the skin grafting surgery he needed--and which will allow him to walk better. He also had pins put in his toes--so that his feet will be flat to the ground. He is a step ahead now--and most likely will not need any grafting for awhile.
He is described as "calm, patient, with a loving personality" "He shares and gets along with others well and is now excited to greet visitors to PHF"
He was walking a bit slowly--but now that the surgery is complete--he should have a much easier time.